psychologist, coach
Values Workshops
Looking for a values review & refresh?
"Our organisation's values don't seem fit-for-purpose anymore. They're not wrong, but they're not quite right."
Want to help motivate and rally your team around your organisation's values-in-action?
"We have values and we want to better connect them through to our daily decisions and practices."
Perhaps your business, not-for-profit, or family office is seeking help identifying a set of values that everyone can rally around?
"We're getting to the stage where we've an appetite to have values, but we're not sure how to go about the process in a way that lands us with values that will suit us down to the ground."
Greta offers values workshops for
Since 2018, Greta has offered values workshops to companies in the tech industry (startups, scaleups, and beyond), professional services and investment firms (including portfolio companies), family offices, public sector, not-for-profit & social enterprise, and organisations in the creative industries.
Organisations and teams who are interested in establishing or refining organisational values, so as to better align strategy, and people's decision-making and actions with the organisation's values.​